Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Greetings! It's been a long time since you've last heard about Stella's silly adventures. But have no fear, Underdog is here!

Let's face it, Stella is scared of just about everything. One time she was chasing a squirrel as it ran into bush (remember, Stella isn't scared if it is running away from her). A cat happened to be hiding in the same bush was frightened as they ran in. Naturally, it jumped out. And, well, Stella literally pooped herself. Seriously. She ran towards me, screaming (and if you don't think a dog can scream, you've never met Stella) and a large turd plopped right on the ground behind her. She's not really the best guard dog.

Halloween can be full of ghosts and goblins and all sorts of scary things. But everyday is like Halloween to Stella. So I've decided to use the upcoming holiday as an excuse for Stella to put on a costume that she is proud of. Rather than being scared, why not use dress up as the person (or in this case, dog) you aspire to be? This naturally lead me to creating an Underdog costume.

Determined not to spend more than $5 (I love my dog, but I'm not about to buy a $20 costume for her), I headed to Wal-Mart. I emerged with white paint, a red tank top, and a yard of silky blue fabric all for $4.50. The results? Priceless.

Stella was certainly curious to see me so excited about my recent purchases. As soon as I put the tank top on her, I think she began to dread Halloween. But then came the cape. As much as Stella glares at me when I put her in ridiculous outfits, she just kind of resigns to it. She sits there, perfectly still, but with a look of "you've got to be kidding me" in her eyes. Not this time though. She was excited as could be. It was as if Underdog was her hero all along. The cape went on and Stella's tale started wagging back and forth so hard that I thought she was about to take flight. She ran around my apartment and the cape trailed behind her. It was like giving her the super powers she always dreamed of.

Sometimes I think that the clothes you wear are important (even if you're a dog). Stella clearly loves being Underdog. I think the cape made her feel a little braver than normal. I can relate. Sometimes when I get scared about a big presentation or meeting, I make sure to dress the part. Even though it feels like I'm a little kid playing dress up, maybe I can at least fool someone into thinking that I know what I'm doing. And maybe next time Stella runs into a cat, she'll at least run away without pooping herself.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Stella Plants Flowers

It's been a long time since Stella's adventures have made it online. While I was busy finishing the end on my MBA program, she went to visit my mom. Now little miss Stella is back at home and has been helping me get into summer. We have lots of stories to share with you, including a trip to the Farmer's Market, a rather unsuccessful trip to the dog park, and even a dangerous encounter with the vacuum cleaner. For now, here's some very cute photos of Stella helping me plant some flowers on my patio.Welcome home Stella...I've missed you!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rubber Ducky, You're the One

Stella's least favorite activity is taking a bath. Though, I've never actually known of a dog who liked a bath. What makes me laugh about Stella, though, is that she always seems to try to get into the bathtub when I'm taking a bath or shower. In fact, this past week I was having a very stressful time with work and school. I decided to treat myself to a wonderful, relaxing bubble bath. I lit candles, put on my favorite mellow music mix, and added lots of lavender bubble bath. The second I got in and settled, Stella came running into the bathroom. She went to jump into the tub, but luckily my reflexes were fast enough to block her entry. She didn't leave my side until after she burped in my face. Then she went to play with Gingerbread Man. However, when it's her turn, she won't go near it. The second she sees me take out her bottle of shampoo (which she really does know the difference between her shampoo and mine), she hides under my kitchen table.

Once I coax her into the bathtub, she tries to stay away from the faucet as much as she can. She shakes and shivers and tries to jump out of the tub. One time she even managed to jump out of the tub, run out of the bathroom, and prance right onto my bed. She then tried to make herself invisible by hiding behind my pillows and into my blankets. Needless to say that it created a few more chores for me to do that day.

Perhaps Stella's least favorite part of the bath is what happens after...the Evil Blow Dryer. Stella's nemesis is the Evil Blow Dryer. Actually, that's not entirely true. She has three real enemies, kind of like a puppy axis of evil. It consists of the Evil Blow Dryer, The Malevolent Blender, and the Spiteful Vacuum Cleaner. When I use the Evil Blow Dryer, she hides against the wall and tries to make herself into the smallest little ball ever. This creates a very funny result as odd patches of her become dry and the rest of her is soaking wet.

I take Stella to be professionally groomed every few months. Each time they predict that it will take 2-3 hours and the nice people at the pet groomers tell me they'll call me when she's ready. Every time it ends up taking more like 5-6 hours. Why? "Yeah, umm, she had a little incident with the blow dryer." They never elaborate, but I know from the tone of their voice that I better make sure I have enough cash on hand to leave a considerable tip.

Overall, I love giving Stella baths. If she knew that, I'm sure she would no longer be on speaking terms with me. I happen to think it's funny to see her fluffy self turn into a skinny, funny looking pup. AND, she's always so happy once it's over. Not to mention, she gets a lot more hugs from me. It's a lot easier to snuggle with a puppy who doesn't smell like poo.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You Can Catch Me, I'm the Gingerbread Man

Stella is a spoiled dog. Not only do I buy her a plethora of toys, but so do my friends and family. The fun part is that she plays with them on her own. I keep a basket overflowing of toys on the floor in my living room. When Stella was younger, each night she would go through the basket to play with her toys. She would pick out one toy, take it out of the basket, and play with it for approximately 2 minutes. Then she'd leave it on the floor, and go for another toy. And then another. And then another. You get the idea. I didn't have to do anything other than clean them up before bed.

Then, one day, I bought yet another toy for Stella. This time it was Gingerbread Man. At first I didn't notice anything different. Stella played with the toy and then played with others. But over the next few weeks, she began to play with it more and more. Soon her other toys were neglected.

It became a rare sight that I would see Stella without Gingerbread Man in tote. She'd play with him all night and then when it was time for bed, she carried it with her and used him as a pillow. No trip was complete without him. Her favorite game was to pick him up with her mouth, throw him as far as she could, and then pounce on him. She would hop and growl and run all over the place. She pounced with a huge jump and landed on top to maximize the volume of the squeak.

It's kind of embarrassing to have a dog who always plays with a Gingerbread Man. This has been going on for the past year and a half. It doesn't matter if it's the 4th of July, Easter or Halloween. She'll be playing with a Christmas toy. That's my dog.

Overall, I embrace the Gingerbread Man. My only huge dilemma occurred earlier this week. I was fast asleep when something landed directly on my face. In a hazy state of awareness, I opened my eyes in just enough time to recognize that it was Gingerbread Man. I had one horrifying second when I realized what was about to happen. There was no time to react, move the Gingerbread Man, or cover my face. Because after that one second had passed, Stella pounced. Full force. Hard. Stellllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Introducing the One and Only Stella Knut

Stella Knut is possibly the funniest dog you will ever encounter. Like any proud owner, I boast that she is the cutest dog that ever existed. My opinion that she is the cutest is really just an opinion. However, the fact that she is the funniest dog is absolute truth. She is terrified of other human beings (especially Ron) and most other dogs. When afraid, she hides behind me and literally pee's herself. I usually laugh when this occurs...until I realize that it's my responsibility to clean up the mess. To compensate for her fright, she often terrorizes smaller animals. Squirrels and lizards are her favorite victims to chase. Based on an experience with an empty soda can rolling down the street, I guarantee that if a lizard or squirrel turned around and chased Stella instead, I'd have to invest in a lot more paper towels.

She is 1/2 poodle, 1/2 cocker spaniel and 100% cockapoo. She is named in honor of Tennessee Williams' A Street Car Named Desire. I thought it would be hillarious (and it is) to yell "Stellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" to a dog. Her middle name "Knut" comes from the popular, German polar bear. I still don't have the right pronunciation, so I change it depending on my mood. She is NOT a fru fru dog. I do not carry her in my purse and I do not dress her in clothes (unless it's cold or I want a good laugh). While pink is one of my favorite colors, it never shows up on Stella.

Despite her sometimes hilarious downfalls, she lives up to her marketing promise of being my best friend. She is full of love and playfulness, but is sometimes afraid to show it. She makes me laugh and reminds me of what is important in life. She is a lot like myself (though at 24 years old, I'd like to think I handle my fright in different ways).

Not motivated by food, incredibly spoiled, and often peed-on...I present to you Stella Knut.