Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Greetings! It's been a long time since you've last heard about Stella's silly adventures. But have no fear, Underdog is here!

Let's face it, Stella is scared of just about everything. One time she was chasing a squirrel as it ran into bush (remember, Stella isn't scared if it is running away from her). A cat happened to be hiding in the same bush was frightened as they ran in. Naturally, it jumped out. And, well, Stella literally pooped herself. Seriously. She ran towards me, screaming (and if you don't think a dog can scream, you've never met Stella) and a large turd plopped right on the ground behind her. She's not really the best guard dog.

Halloween can be full of ghosts and goblins and all sorts of scary things. But everyday is like Halloween to Stella. So I've decided to use the upcoming holiday as an excuse for Stella to put on a costume that she is proud of. Rather than being scared, why not use dress up as the person (or in this case, dog) you aspire to be? This naturally lead me to creating an Underdog costume.

Determined not to spend more than $5 (I love my dog, but I'm not about to buy a $20 costume for her), I headed to Wal-Mart. I emerged with white paint, a red tank top, and a yard of silky blue fabric all for $4.50. The results? Priceless.

Stella was certainly curious to see me so excited about my recent purchases. As soon as I put the tank top on her, I think she began to dread Halloween. But then came the cape. As much as Stella glares at me when I put her in ridiculous outfits, she just kind of resigns to it. She sits there, perfectly still, but with a look of "you've got to be kidding me" in her eyes. Not this time though. She was excited as could be. It was as if Underdog was her hero all along. The cape went on and Stella's tale started wagging back and forth so hard that I thought she was about to take flight. She ran around my apartment and the cape trailed behind her. It was like giving her the super powers she always dreamed of.

Sometimes I think that the clothes you wear are important (even if you're a dog). Stella clearly loves being Underdog. I think the cape made her feel a little braver than normal. I can relate. Sometimes when I get scared about a big presentation or meeting, I make sure to dress the part. Even though it feels like I'm a little kid playing dress up, maybe I can at least fool someone into thinking that I know what I'm doing. And maybe next time Stella runs into a cat, she'll at least run away without pooping herself.

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